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The application is free and can be downloaded here.

Request for the issuance af compensation
Download software for calculating compensation
If you want to calculate your compensation yourself, you can download a DIS calculation software that Udligningskontoret develops annually. The DIS software can calculate final compensation for the income years as well as a conto compensation for the current year.

The software is downloaded by clicking on the link below. Depending on which Internet browser you are using (eg Explorer, Edge, Vivaldi, Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome), you will be asked if you want to run or save the EasySkat.msi file.

If you want to save the software, you must subsequently choose to run the msi file, where you must follow the instructions in the installer.

The calculation software is a reduced version, which is why minor deviations may occur in relation to the information that comes from Udligningskontoret.

Before downloading the new software, it is recommended that you delete previous versions.

The latest version is easyskat1.1.22.171.

The software only exists in Danish.


The latest Windows update has increased the security when downloading files from the internet. There might be shown a warning when downloading the software. The warning may be different depending on which browser you use to visit

If you are using Microsoft Defender as antivirus, you might get an error that it is not a recognized app. If that is the case, press the text “More information”

And then the button “Run anyway” to install the software.

Forms for shipping companies

Registration of shipping companies must be done by contacting Udligningskontoret.

Form for reporting
Form for registering a ship
Download form

Registration of shipping companies must be done by contacting Udligningskontoret!